Programs of Study


WCC提供广泛的学术课程选择, and each of these programs is designed to meet the general criteria established by the 州社区学院委员会. At the same time, WCC strives to design each program with emphasis on the needs and opportunities within the college’s service region.

The 州社区学院委员会 设定授予适当副学士学位的最低标准, certificates, and diplomas to individuals who satisfactorily complete course and program requirements. 以下是WCC提供的课程. The descriptions reflect the philosophies of both the state governing agencies and the college.

General Education

College Transfer

Career & Technical Education


Cooperative Education


General Education

The programs in general education at WCC emphasize broad learning that goes beyond job training and skill development. Each degree and certificate program of the college contains prescribed general education courses, 包括人文/美术的学术课程, 社会和行为科学, natural sciences, mathematics, wellness, 沟通技巧. General education is that portion of the collegiate experience that addresses the knowledge, skills, attitudes, 以及受教育者的价值观特征. It is unbounded by disciplines and honors the connections among bodies of knowledge.

WCC致力于为学生提供包含这些知识的课程, skills, 以及每个人作为一个人更有效所需要的态度, a worker, a consumer, and a citizen. 通过通识教育课程相结合, 主修领域的专业课程, 以及学生发展课程, graduates are provided with a collegiate experience that supports the development of the following general education goals.


The college transfer programs include first- and second-year courses in arts and sciences and pre-professional courses that transfer to four-year colleges and universities. WCC提供许多四年制学位课程,包括 老道明大学 and 林赛威尔逊学院.

艺术与科学副学士学位课程 are designed with two primary goals in mind: (1) to offer the student a widely accepted program of general preparation for upper-division work in her or her chosen professional field, stressing a balance of required courses common to most baccalaureate degree programs; and (2) to offer maximum flexibility so that the student may select specific courses that may be required at the college or university to which transfer is contemplated.

Associate of Arts & Sciences (AA&S)


Certificate (C)

Career & 技术教育项目

The career and technical education programs are designed to meet the increasing demands for technicians, 准专业人士, 以及熟练的工匠在工业中就业, business, the professions, and government. These programs serve as initial training for students preparing to enter the job market for the first time, as a supplement to work experience for persons who are preparing for advancement in their present lines of work, or as retraining for persons who must develop new skills for the present job market.

To meet these goals, 市民谘询委员会提供, 与业界和社会合作, 提供资料及意见,使课程得以持续更新, course content, technology, 以及对当前行业实践的专业知识. Preparation for successful employment may encompass many aspects of education that extend beyond the classroom, such as cooperative education and internships that are conducive to success in the workplace.

应用科学副学士学位 programs are designed primarily to prepare the student for employment immediately upon graduation from the community college. 因此,这些项目包含了大量的专业课程.

WCC offers both two-year diploma and one-year certificate programs for those students interested in immediate employment in selected occupational fields. The program is designed to facilitate transition into an appropriate AAS degree program at a later date. Students interested in such options should plan their programs carefully with their advisors and counselors at WCC.



文凭(D) -建筑技术


Certificate (C)



A significant portion of the student population served by WCC is comprised of part-time evening or online students. Many of these individuals need and desire post-secondary continuing education programs of study that are of less than conventional one- or two-year duration. 这类学生有特定的职业, industrial, 和/或可以通过短期项目最好地实现的职业目标.  The options included within the Career Studies program represent a variety of career and academic pursuits. Each may be viewed as a mini-curriculum which is part of a broader range of educational possibilities within a given career field.  The length of these programs varies from approximately one to two semesters of full-time academic work.  Admissions to the Career Studies Certificate program is based upon the general requirements for admission to the college, although some specialized areas may have additional admission requirements (see full program description). 






Continuing Education

WCC认识到教育是一个持续的终身过程. All individuals in the college’s service region need the opportunity to develop and increase their knowledge in their personal, community, and work environments. Continuing Education is the outreach arm of the college dedicated to meeting the ongoing educational needs of the community.

Community Services

  • 学院设施及服务
  • Regional Programming


发展性课程不符合学位要求. They are designed to help students overcome academic deficiencies and build the foundation needed to succeed in college-level courses.


Co-op/internship students are employed part-time at work experience sites in positions related to their future career goals. The typical work week is 10-25 hours, depending upon the number of credits to be earned. It is preferred that students take advantage of the Internship Program (without pay) while working at non-profit entities. 从实践经验中学习, 结合课堂理论, enhances the development and professional preparation of the co-op/internship student.

随着社区需求的确定, the college will develop and implement additional options to the extent that institutional resources permit. 


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